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David Beckham tattoos

Birth Name
David Robert Joseph Beckham

Golden Balls

6' (1.83 m)

David beckham tattoos

David Beckham is a well known soccer player. A family man with a wife and three children, he likes to tell the story of his life by the tattoos he wears on his athletic body. He is well known for the large number of tattoos he wears. He actually has had all of them done by a tattoo artist in Manchester, England. This well known illustrator, who has gone to other countries to follow Beckham and do the work for him, is famous for his ability to respect the privacy of his clients as much as for his great artistic ability. The David Beckham tattoos show his history, particularly that of his family.

The David Beckham tattoos that are the most famous--though not necessarily the largest--are the ones that represent his family. He has had the name of each of his children tattooed somewhere on his back to mark their births. The name of his first born, Brooklyn, is on his lower back. His second son, Romeo, had his name tattooed slightly below the base of Beckham's neck and Cruz, his youngest son, has his name just below the guardian angel that sits on the upper half of Beckham's back. The guardian angel is there to look after his sons.

All in all, David Beckham has 15 tattoos. He explains to CNN's Anderson Cooper why he likes the body art.

TV advertising commercials

Tv advertising commercials (cheers)

What is alarming to the TV industry is the fact that teen viewing has dropped off tremendously while they are spending much more time online than the average viewer is. One of the bright spots for TV advertising is the increase in prime-time advertising spending, that particular allocation has increased over the last 10 years while viewers have dropped over 50%. Advertisers are now getting smarter with targeted advertising, program sponsorship as well interactive advertising that is on the rise. They are also seeking commercial ratings rather than just program rating to better measure the effectiveness of their campaigns.

The key to successful advertising on TV seems to be its ability to adapt to the changing viewing habits and new technologies that have emerged over the last 5 years. The changing landscape does require rethinking the traditional TV advertisement by the networks as well as the advertisers. We should expect to see new and innovative ways for the advertisers to get their message out to the viewing public regardless of where they do their viewing.

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